Can I download your city/region?
Unfortunately it can‘t be downloaded for technical and logistical reasons. It would be a nightmare to download my region for a number of reasons:
1. There are supporting files, BAT, mods, textures and other creations made by other users that would have to be downloaded from various websites. These supporting files are called dependencies and if a dependency is missing when the game is running a large brown box will appear.
2. There are currently hundreds of these supporting files. It would be hard to compile a list of all the supporting files that I’ve collected throughout the years as some websites I’ve downloaded the file have be taken down or the file is no longer available for download.
3. These supporting files are located in my plugins folder which is currently over 1GB in size. The region is also a large file size and downloading a file that is 2GB would be difficult for most.
As much as I would like to put my region up for download it would be more efficient to make your own New York region. You can download creations I have made for the game and a very accurate map of the New York region in the download section. Here’s how to install regions in SC4. Maybe you can make a better recreation.
Where can I get those buildings?
You can get all the buildings I made in the downloads section.
Where did you get those cars?
Most of the cars in the screenshots are 3ds max renders which have been photoshopped into the screenshots to add more realism than the original automata provides. I’m trying to figure a way to mod these 3d models into the game as automata. In the meantime, I will make them available as static props that can be placed on lots.
Where can I get those subway trains?
Those are also photoshopped models of subway cars. I’ll make them available as props in the future.
What program did you use to create this?
I used SimCity 4. You can buy it through Amazon or at your local game retailer.
Can you make _____ building?
I normally don’t take requests and I’m very busy at the moment. Although, my 3d skills are available for clients J
I’m traveling to New York and found your site helpful about “lesser known” attraction. Do you plan on making it more practical for tourists?
Yes, in the future I plan on making reviews of restaurants, neighborhood profiles and other guides that can assist individuals looking for practical information about New York.
Are you recreating any other cities?
Yes, I’m currently making Boston, Chicago, Washington D.C., and San Francisco.
Are you planning on doing any international cities in the future?
Maybe; if I have time.
Can you make my house?
... No.